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Dinner Is Served! Seniors Gather For Thanksgiving

little-brothers-dinnerFood, fellowship and a heart full of thanks–they are what make Thanksgiving dinner special.

Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly served hundreds of delicious meals like these at St. Ignatius Loyola Church in Houghton.

About 50 elderly friends joined in at this location, one of a dozen in the region either serving dinner or delivering hot meals to homebound seniors.

Lead Volunteer for Little Brothers Dave Wiitanen said, “Well, we’ve had a few volunteers show up about 8:00 this morning with prepping the turkey and everything. There’s a lot of work that goes into this dinner, not just the turkey, but the sweet potatoes, the regular potatoes and the various desserts and salads.”

Guests were treated to a full dinner with all the fixings, including pie and some music to add to the festive atmosphere.

Behind the scenes, hundreds of volunteers make it all happen–folks who gave up part of their Thanksgiving to make sure others were not alone.

Wiitanen said, “Not only just putting the smiles on the faces of all these seniors, but it gets them out to meet with some of their friends they haven’t seen in a bit and everything, and holidays are always a special time of year for everybody.”

In all, 12 locations provided roughly 800 meals with the help of over 400 volunteers.

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