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Aspirus Says Protect Yourself Against Ticks

As we head outdoors to enjoy the warm weather, there’s an insect that’s interested in going for a ride with you, or on you.

Ticks are active now and the deer tick can transmit Lyme disease.

Dr. Steven Nichols from Aspirus Family Physicians says you can lower your chance of getting bit by avoiding tall grass, wearing long sleeves and pants, using insect repellent with 10-20 percent DEET and checking for ticks after being outdoors.

“You always want to make sure you check yourself thoroughly, looking in the skin folds and so forth,” Dr. Nichols said.  “Take a shower within a few hours after getting out of the woods. You also might probably take any clothing you wore out there and put them into the dryer on high heat for 10-30 minutes. That will kill the ticks and any ticks that are in your clothing.”

If you suffer a tick bite, Dr. Nichols recommends grabbing the tick as close to the head as you can and pull straight up gently with a fine set of tweezers.

If you see a bull’s-eye-shaped rash, then you’ll want to see your physician and start talking about treatment with an antibiotic.

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