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MI-TRALE Announces Their July Ride

On Sunday, July 16th MI-TRALE will hold their July monthly ride.  It will be a joint ride with ORVs and equestrian riders welcomed.  Well, we call it a “Ride-In”, as both groups will ride their separate ways starting at 10:00 ET, and then “Ride-In” a couple of hours later for a great lunch back at the park, where you can eat and share stories

All riders will meet at the Stannard Township Park (behind the CO-OP) in Bruce Crossing at 10:00 a.m. local time.  Each ride will go their separate ways and meet up later back at the Stannard Park for lunch to be served at noon.  The motorized folks will take a great ride that will include stopping at Bond Falls. From there they will have a ride through the country and returning to Bruce Crossing and the Stannard Township Campground and Park.   A very nice ride and on a few forest routes that maybe some have not taken in the past.

The equestrian ride remains a guarded secret but is hinted to be a great ride as well.

MI-TRALE’s Equestrian Committee is planning the get together and will organize the lunch, which alone should not be missed.  And, the lunch is at no cost as it is being provided by MI-TRALE.

So, bring your ride, be prepared for a great time and a great lunch not to mention being with a great group of people.  Okay, maybe I am just a little biased, but if you attended the June ride, I am sure you will agree.  And, remember this is open to all riders, MI-TRALE members or not. MI-TRALE extends our “Thanks” to Stannard Township for the use of their great park facilities.

Hope to see you there:

July 16th

10:00 a.m. Eastern Time

Stannard Township Park

Bruce Crossing, MI

Be prepared for a great time!

Share good times while you share the trails!

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