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New Hancock Principal Tries Different Approach

Hancock Public School District has a new Bulldog on campus and he does things a little differently than you might expect, including parent-teacher conferences.

This is principal Ezekiel Ohans first school year here at the middle and high school and Zeek takes a unique approach to his mission of educating our children.

He encourages his students to keep their options open, and to follow their individual interests because he knows that’s a recipe for success.

Ohan utilized every opportunity at last night’s parent teacher conferences to make the event more like a celebration of education than a standard conference, including a costumed history display by middle school students and a financial aid resource center in the schools computer lab, helping parents and students with tuition costs.

“These institutions are providing the necessary bridge that our children can cross and to become viable citizens of our community,” said Ohan, describing the importance of college for those who seek it. But Zeek also knows that many students will go straight to the work force, and he says that it’s the school’s responsibility to prepare those students for a bright future as well.

Ohan said, “We have to go ahead and service students that do not have that cookie cutter interest of going to college and becoming an engineer. We have people that dream of becoming a plumber, an electrician.”

Ohan says that he plans to see every child through his school get the necessary training to fulfill their goals.

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