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Back To Basics: Cell Phone Photography

Michigan Tech Visual and Performing Arts students are taking a uniquely simple approach to photography.

In a recent project, students put their fancy cameras aside and have been shooting photos with their cell phones.


Cell phones have quickly become a major part of our everyday life over the past couple of decades.

One market that has been completely transformed by the cell phone industry is photography and Michigan Tech professor Anne Beffel has not only taken notice, but she also implements the use of cell phone photography in her teachings.

Beffel said, “My goal was for students to capture something that was interesting enough to pay attention to without editing.”

Beffel’s requirements are simple–no filters, no photoshopping–simply find a beautiful subject, point and shoot.

Fourth year student Maria Corunna has two pieces on display in Beffel’s showcase.

Corunna said, “The inspiration for my pictures came from when I was camping with my family and the sun was just kind of barely peeking out and it was still bright outside so it’s kind of a cheery picture.”

Classmate Jake DeVries takes a philosophical approach to his shooting.

DeVries said, “What I was trying to capture was the warm colors in nature. It’s those moments that you have, they’re not unnatural per say, but they’re unique.”

Photos from the project are showcased in the McArdle Theater hallway on the campus of Michigan Tech.

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