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Congressman Bergman Says Border Wall Needed

Congressman Jack Bergman is standing behind President Trump and his emergency declaration in order to fund a wall on the southern border.

The Democrat-controlled US House passed a resolution opposing the declaration and even if it passes the Republicans in the Senate, Trump has vowed to veto it.

Bergman voted against that resolution and blasted Democrats for supporting it.

“While Democrats continue playing games with our borders, President Trump and Congressional Republicans are continuing efforts to secure the border and reform our broken immigration system,” said Bergman.  “H.J Res. 46 is nothing short of political gamesmanship by Democratic leadership in the House. This resolution targeted just one of the 31 active national emergency declarations sending a clear message to the American people – regardless of the situation, if President Trump supports it, Democrats in the House will oppose it.”

Despite being an unpopular decision, Bergman says Trump is doing the right thing.

“”The number one role of Congress is to provide for the common defense of our citizens. This very duty demands a secure border where we can appropriately identify those entering. We must continue to be a welcoming nation, but we are a nation of law and order Let’s get serious about the work ahead of us: secure our borders and protect our citizens.”

You can hear the entire interview with Congressman Bergman on this Sunday’s episode of Copper Country Today.

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