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Isle Royale Wolf Transfers Resume

The attempt to reinvigorate the wolf population on Isle Royale National Park is underway again.

Wolf being loaded for flight to Isle Royale on US Fish and Wildlife Service aircraft. 
Photo courtesy of John Pepin, Michigan DNR

Isle Royale National Park staff and partners relocated a wolf from the Upper Peninsula to the island last week. The wolf is a two or three-year-old male, and weighed about 70 pounds.

The move opened the second year of a three-to-five year project to establish a population of 20 to 30 wolves at Isle Royale. It brings the number of wolves on the island to 15 – eight males, and seven females. Only two of those are left from the original pack, which was nearly wiped out because of physical problems caused by inbreeding.

The wolves are needed to counterbalance the growing moose population. Officials hope to transfer as many as five more wolves from the U.P. yet this year.

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