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Michigan clerks complete election audit

Last week, Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson announced the completion of an unparalleled set of post-election audits. Keweenaw Report reached out to Houghton County Clerk Jennifer Kelly to find out what the process entailed locally. She says it was more involved than ever before. The first task to be completed were three risk-limit audits in municipalities and townships determined by the state. Next was to zero in on certain precincts within each jurisdiction for a hand count.

I am happy to say that out of all three of those precincts, we were not off by one.

Only the United States Senate race between Republican John James and Democrat Gary Peters was examined by this method.

Why they picked the senate, I don’t know. Trust me, the public has already been asking me why. Maybe they put all the races into a hat and pulled one.

Kelly says that was the most intensive leg of the audit, but there were several additional steps, mostly looking at the operational side of election day.

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