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Region’s Largest Credit Union Adopts New Name

One of the Copper Country’s largest financial institutions has a new name. 

As of yesterday, the Michigan Tech Employees Federal Credit Union is now officially known as Breakwater Credit Union. 

Breakwater President and CEO David Rautiola says the old name reflected the roots of the organization…

Our credit union was founded by the employees of Michigan Tech in 1952.

Over the years, the scope of the credit union expanded. It’s long been open to anyone who lives or works in Houghton, Keweenaw and Baraga Counties, but the MTU name still implied some limitations…

We really just got to a point where we wanted to make sure we were able to communicate, through our name included, with anyone that is here in the community, is moving into the community, that you can do business with us.

Credit Unions are owned by their members, so there’s no ownership change involved. Staff and services will remain the same as before.

If you’d like to know more about the change, listen to the June 19th Copper Country Today segment at KeweenawReport.com.

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