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Baraga County Board Accepts Roof Replacement Bid

Financial hits keep coming for Baraga County.

At last night’s county board meeting, commissioners accepted a $118,400 bid from Nasi Roofing of Menoqua, Wisconsin, to replace the leaking roof on the administration building. Work will likely be done next spring. That money will come from American Rescue Plan funds.

The board also allocated $4,365 to repair the fire sprinkler system at the jail, which recently failed. That money will come from next year’s sheriff’s department budget. The recent installation of a new video security system at the jail left three blind spots. Three cameras will be added, with the $2,650 cost coming from ARPA funds. Undersheriff Dave Miller reported that, other than the blind spots, the new system is working well. What’s not working well is the video recording system for suspect interviews. Commissioners decided to try to include a fix for that in the next budget.

Commissioners also decided to hold off on requests from first response organizations and the Baraga County Trails Authority for ARPA fund allocations until they see how the upcoming budget process plays out.

In other action, the board appointed Jennifer Misegan to the Baraga County Economic Development Corporation, and voted to issue a letter of support for a proposed private campground. The new facility would be located on M-38 near Pelkie, and would include 40 campsites, four cabins and a lodge.

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