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Airport Passenger Service Renewal Discussions Begin; Potential Sale of HoCo Tabled – Houghton County Board Wrap

The future of passenger service in and out of the Houghton County Memorial Airport could be determined soon.

At yesterday’s Houghton County Board meeting, airport manager Dennis Hext told commissioners that the bidding period for potential service providers has opened. Passenger flights are subsidized by the federal government under the Essential Air Service program. 

The airport’s current provider, SkyWest, recently tried to pull out of their current commitment early because of staff shortages. Despite that, Hext said that discussions with the regional airline are going well, and he anticipates it will submit a bid. 

Skywest has been the only airline that has bid on the contract in recent years.

Personnel shortages are hampering a couple of county departments. The clerk’s office is down to just two staffers, with an election looming. A job posting could be released Friday, if the position is not filled internally. Commissioners also approved Prosecutor Brittany Bulliet’s request for two new employees.

Officials from Hancock made their pitch to take over the Houghton County Arena. The city wants to purchase the facility for a dollar, and pursue improvements. Commissioners made no decision on the request. Members of the county committee that oversees the arena will meet with city officials in advance of the next county board meeting to discuss the possibilities, and make a recommendation. The Portage Lake Multi-Educational Services group that currently manages the arena is scheduled to dissolve next summer. 

Commissioners allocated around $115,000 from the 911 budget for various fire departments to purchase equipment. They also pulled $96,000 from the county’s American Rescue Plan funds to purchase a detective vehicle for the sheriff’s department, and a vehicle for the county’s emergency manager.

And, commissioners established a Mental Health Transport Panel. The group will include a peace officer, mental health experts, a member from the health department, and others. The goal is to relieve sheriff’s deputies of some of the time involved with transporting suspects to facilities downstate for mental health evaluations and holding.

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