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Hancock Puts Move to Rename Beach on Hold

A move to rename the Hancock Beach in honor of former mayor and city manager Barry Givens was tabled last night by the city council.

Barry’s widow, Laura, spoke in favor of the idea, which had been proposed by the city’s Recreation Commission…

I believe it would be a great way for the city to honor Barry’s love for the community by naming the beach after him.

Council members agreed that something should be done to memorialize Givens, but hesitated because the city has no guidelines for determining who should be honored in such fashion, or what honor would be most appropriate.

Councilor Lisa McKenzie wondered if a new project should be undertaken…

A long time ago, we had applied for a grant for a splash park and ice rink, and I know Barry really, really wanted an ice rink downtown somewhere, and I really think that that would be truly a wonderful thing to do for Barry.

Council members also noted that there may be others who merit similar recognition, including late community leader Deb Mann.

Mayor Paul LaBine felt a more thorough approach should be taken on behalf of Givens, and others who might deserve consideration…

My vote, personally, will be to table this until we actively get some rules in place as to how we will name things after people, with some proper vetting, public input.

The motion to table the proposal was passed unanimously, with council member Ron Blau absent.

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