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Michigan Veteran’s Affairs Agency Investing $1.2 Million in Veteran Suicide Prevention

The Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency (MVAA) is investing one point two million dollars in veteran suicide prevention. The funds will help implement new programs and gather data on Michigan’s more than 500,000 veteran. The over a million dollar investment is the largest by the agency since at least 2000. According to data from the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs since 2016, 704 Michigan veterans have taken their own life, an average of 169 annually during that period. Mental health issues for veterans often stems from combat related Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD, and can lead to substance abuse, housing and employment challenges, as well as damaged relationships with loved ones. MVAA believes that educating veterans on benefits and resources is the first step to caring for the state’s veteran population. Contact the Michigan Veteran Affairs Agency’s Veteran Connector Initiative to learn more about mental health services, veterans benefits and nearby resources on their hotline 1-800-MICH-VET.

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