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LaBine to Continue as Hancock Mayor; Council Mulls Filling Vacant Seat

Paul LaBine will continue as mayor of the City of Hancock.

At last night’s organizational meeting, LaBine was re-elected unanimously by fellow city council members. Kurt Rickard will serve as Mayor Pro-Tem.

The council also discussed options for filling the vacancy created by Tuesday’s election. 

Michael Lancour had filed as a candidate before learning that he could not serve simultaneously on the city council and the Hancock Board of Education. Choosing to remain on the school board, Lancour withdrew his city council candidacy. But, his name was already on the ballot, and he was elected anyway. 

Lancour has reiterated that he will not be joining the city council, which leaves an empty seat.

City Manager Mary Babcock said the situation should be treated as would any council vacancy…

The attorney said it’s up to the council’s discretion what they want to do. In the charter, it says it has to be filled within 30 days.

The charter does not require that the position be advertised, and there was discussion about awarding the position to one of the two candidates who finished out of the running on Tuesday. Margo Pizzi was the closest also-ran, followed by Zack Osborn. LaBine felt that the position should be advertised…

I would certainly encourage Ms. Pizzi to apply, and Mr. Osborn to apply, but that’s how we usually appoint vacancies.

In the end, councilors decided to take a few days to think it over. They’ll make a decision about how to proceed at their regular meeting November 16th, and select a new member at their December 7th session.

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