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November is National Hospice Care Month

November is National Hospice Care Month. Locally in Houghton Omega House, knows that the month is meant to honor the care providers who work in the hospice industry. But they also know that they could not provide the care they do, without the support of the community. That’s because their facility does their best to provide free to low cost care to their residents. And they’ve been able to from private donations, fundraising events and campaigns with local groups.

“Every year we put a plan together to upgrade a portion of the house. And those donations are a part what helps that process out. Hard to believe, but Omega House has been around now for 17 years. So the support we receive from the community is so important to us. Because we’re in that phase now where things are starting to break down. And we need to keep the house in the best shape that it’s ever been in. And we’re finding out we’re replacing, you know, equipment we need on a daily basis, especially in our kitchen.” Mike Lutz, Executive Director Omega House

Part of hospice care is getting to know their residents. Executive Director Mike Lutz says that those conversations between their employees, volunteers and residents serve a special connection. And caring for their residents and their families comes with plenty of joy.

“Part of having a quality end of life experience is sitting with our patients, visiting with them, and sharing the stories that they have. They have such great backgrounds and interesting careers. And it’s nice to be able to share that with them. Even share our life story with them. And it makes for great conversations. The group here, our employees, volunteers, We’re a volunteer driven organization, and it’s really nice that we can spend that quality time with our residents and their families.” Mike Lutz, Executive Director Omega House

Omega House  , with the help of private donations and fundraising efforts, they have been able to keep their fees relatively low. Omega House has seen an increased need for their services. Last year they saw an increase of 25 percent for residents coming to them. Find out more about  Omega House their services and the Omega House Harvest Raffle on their website omega-house.org. The Omega House Harvest Raffle does end Thursday.

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