Home / Featured / $100,000 in Grant Funds Available for Deer Habitat Improvement Through the Michigan DNR
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$100,000 in Grant Funds Available for Deer Habitat Improvement Through the Michigan DNR

Michigan’s Department of Natural Resources has grant funding available for improving deer habitat in the Upper Peninsula. The Michigan DNR recently announced it will make 100,000 dollars available in grant funds to support deer habitat improvements on private lands.

The Initiative’s three primary goals for projects aimed at producing tangible habitat improvements, developing long-term partnerships between DNR and outside organizations, and showcasing the benefits of deer management to the public. After 16 years, the Deer Range Improvement Program has funded more than 132 projects in nearly all Upper Peninsula counties, improving thousands of acres of habitat range. Individual projects may request up to 15,000 dollars in funding from the grant program. Projects will receive a minimum amount of 2,000 dollars. Individuals planning to submit project proposals to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources need to be completed by March 18th.

Find more details here. For more information or questions regarding eligibility, please contact Bill Scullon at 906-250-6781 or ScullonH@michigan.gov.

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