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City of Houghton Unveils New EV Chargers in Downtown

Like their friends across the canal did one week ago, the city of Houghton help a special ribbon cutting ceremony today. Unveiling two new sixty five kilo watt dc fat chargers in the downtown area, expanding the number of electric vehicle charging stations available to drivers in the region.

The new chargers are located on the upper parking deck across from the Vault hotel, at Isle Royale Street and Shelden Avenue. Each charge station includes both standard and Tesla EV charge heads. The city used a one hundred thousand dollar grant with the Michigan Department of Environment Great Lakes and Energy. Houghton worked with the Upper Peninsula Power Company to complete work to install the stations, officially putting them online back in January this year.

The EV stations do charge car owners for drawing power. Charging twenty eight cents per kilowatt, and a one dollar maintenance and service fee. The ribbon cutting today marks another electric vehicle charger in the western Upper Peninsula.

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