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Copper Harbor Trails Club Kicks Off Season With Soiree

While waiting for the trails to melt and dry out, the Copper Harbor Trails Club will host a soirée to kick off the season.

There will be announcements of new trails, previews for the season, and a presentation from the outdoor filmmaker, Aaron Peterson from Aaron Peterson Studios. He will preview his new movie, Unforgettable, and what went on behind the scenes. Join them at the Orpheum tomorrow night. Doors open at 6pm, and the program starts at 6:45.

The Copper Harbor Trails club executive director, Nathan Miller, spoke on remembering safety through excitement. The Copper Harbor trails have over 40 miles of trail where there is no cell service, so safety is a pressing matter. 

“If you’re mountain biking and not wearing a helmet, you should go find a helmet, immediately. That’s always the number one rule. Always have a plan of where you’re going to go, especially when you’re going into more of the back-country settings. Copper Harbor especially, you’re going to ride off into the distance and nobody will know where you are because there’s no cell service out there. Make sure you’ve got a first aid kit with you, or at least a friend or two who can help you. Try not to ride alone, or if you do ride alone, let someone know where you’re going ahead of time, and of course bring extra tools for your bike as well” – Copper Harbor Trails Club Executive Director, Nathan Miller

It’s volunteer week, so be on the lookout for volunteer days hosted by your local trails.  The Copper Harbor Trails Club is hosting theirs on May 7th and 13th from 10a.m.-2p.m. Find more information on their Facebook page.

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