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Finlandia Foundation National President Anne-Mari Paster Assures the Community Preservation Efforts are Underway

Finlanida Foundation was founded in 1953 with the goal of connecting Finnish Americans across the country. 70 years later, the foundation is the largest supporter of Finnish cultural identity in the united states. And provides scholarships and grants to support those efforts, as well as through live and online cultural programs.

“We immediately formed a task force, to work with the university, to determine how Finlandia Foundation could lead the effort to maintain and protect, what we recognize as the Smithsonian of Finnish – America.” – Anne-Mari Paster, President, Finlandia Foundation National

The foundation has partnered with the university in good faith, to lead their collaborative preservation efforts. Over the past two weeks the foundation has received a large amount of communications from the local area, interested in what will happen with the Finnish – American Heritage Center, Finlandia’s archives, and the Finnish-American Reporter. Finlandia Foundation National President Anne-Mari Paster, assures the community that their concerns are heard, and their interest confirms the importance of preserving cultural artifacts of Finnish immigrants coming to America.

Hear more about the preservation efforts from Finlandia Foundation National President Anne-Mari Paster here.

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