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Finnding America Docu-series Features Michigan Tech Professor Pasi Lautala

Across the country there are thousands of Americans who claim Finnish ancestry. A Finnish film maker named, Santi Fox, began to wonder why his home country, with a smaller population than most other European countries, appears so often in pop culture, and in history around the globe. Finding that many of his countrymen who have left Finland, have relocated to the United States as well as the significant population of Finnish descendants, Fox began a 13,000 mile journey around the U.S. to meet other Finns and discover how and why their country has become a global influencer. Along his journey, Fox traveled the America’s Sauna Belt, and met with Michigan Tech professor and railroad specialist, Pasi Lautala. Fox’s interview with Lautala is one episode in the Finniding America docu-series, produced by Fox. Throughout the series Fox speaks with well known Finns living in the United States, and discovers how they keep their traditions and culture alive and well in America. Below you can find links to the episode with Pasi Lautala, and more episode with famous Finns living in the United States.

Santi Fox’s Website

Finnding America: Pasi Lautala

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