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Hancock Enters Phase 4 for New Zoning

Hancock is entering the final phase of work on zoning with OHM. The majority of the year the city has been looking to update zoning ordinances to prepare for becoming a redevelopment ready community. City Manager Mary Babcock laid out very early on into discussions that their goal for the night is to comment on the content of the new zoning and not grammatical or format issues.

After OHM collected the thoughts from various members of the planning commission, the group will make edits to clarify certain sections in items such as signage and parking requirements. The major change in zoning from the old version the city is using, will be a reduction in the number of zoning articles, and condensing of zoning districts, though the city will still have a total of 8 districts.

Hancock’s planning commission will look to finalize zoning in January following a special meeting to review the final version. After that the planning commission will move the new zoning over to the city council for final approval. Planning commission members will have until December 10th to submit any final comments before ohm makes final edits to the zoning plan.

Hancock’s new zoning map
Hancock’s current zoning map

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