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Hancock Public Schools Combines High School and Middle School Principal Positions, Hires a New Athletic Director

Hancock Public Schools has named Hannah Asiala as the High School principal. She will retain her duties as Principal of Hancock Middle School. In a recent district update, Superintendent Chris Salani informed parents and the community that the High School and Middle School will transition back to the system of having a combined school principal position. Aisala has been the Hancock Middle School principal for the past two years. Salani added that while transitioning back to the former combined position, the district will implement two new roles, staffed by current faculty.

Additionally, the district has hired Ryan Towles as the district athletic director. Coach Towles has helped lead the cross-country and track and field programs for several years. In the past two years he has a game event coordinator. Towles does work full time for Michigan Tech, and will be available remotely during school hours. With plans to hold office hours after the workday.

In addition to the district’s personnel updates Salani thanked each of the school board’s members for their service to the district and community during Michigan School Board Appreciation Month. He also encouraged parents and students to thank board members if they see them out in the community.

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