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Hancock Public Schools Shares Schedule for Superintendent Hiring Process

Hancock Public Schools has announced more details in the district’s plans to hire a full-time superintendent. Last week the district began offering an online survey asking for parents and the community’s priorities for the district’s board of education while working through the process of searching for a superintendent. On Friday the district official posted the superintendent position to the school district’s website. After survey results a collected on October 16th. The board of education will plan to meet with the Michigan Association of School Boards for a work session in early November. With plans to no longer accept applicants for the position after November 9th. If necessary the district will call a special meeting on November 10th for review of candidates and to go over the district’s next steps. Hancock Public Schools hopes to interview each candidate on November 13th, with plans to hire a candidate soon after. Parents, staff, and community members interested in providing input to the school district about the superintendent position, can submit a survey response online.

Find the online survey here.

  1. Regarding the timeline and specific milestones for the Search process, please refer to the following

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