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Heikinpaiva Cultural Events Leading into Saturday’s Festival

Last week’s Heikinpaiva cultural events and classes sure sounded like fun last week. And the classes will keep going this week, all leading up to the big day this Saturday. This week will included only a couple of events before Satruday, but one class is available all week long. Starting tomorrow through the 31st at the Jutila Center, attendees will learn how to knit a neck-warmer with Clare Zuraw. The designs Zuraw will show are based on Voyri, a cross stitch like pattern that is commonly found in traditional Finnish knitting. Then on Wednesday head over to Finnish American Heritage Center to satisfy your sweet tooth. And learn about popular Finnish deserts and cookies with Finnish Canadian baker, Harri & his renkiserkku, Jim Kurtti. On Saturday put all of those Finnish cultural traditions taught over the last couple of weeks to use, and join the fun at the parade, Tori markets, Finnish games and more.

Heikinpaiva organizers are still seeking a sponsor for the Polar Bear Dive. The event may not take place this year, if a sponsor is not found. If you are a business interested in sponsoring this year’s polar plunge, or future events with Heikinpaiva, please contact Jim Kurtti with the Hancock Finnish Theme Committee at, (906) 482-0248.

Finlandia University’s Heikinpaiva Schedule

Register for Clare Zuwar’s Knitting class

Saturday Heikinpaiva Schedule:

Tori markets – (10 a.m. – 3 p.m.) – Finnish American Heritage Center & United Methodist Church

Parade – 11 a.m – Quincy Street, Hancock. Cash prizes.

Karhunpeijäiset – join the costumed parade participants in a circle dance

Outdoor Games (including vipukelkka, kick sleds, Wife Carrying, etc.) -immediately following the parade

Polar Bear Dive – TBA

Mark Munger: book talk & signing – 1 p.m. – North Wind Books

Iltamat (dance & buffet) – (7-10pm) Finnish American Heritage Center. $15. Music by Back Room Boys.

Animal Life: Art from the Kalevala – opening reception (2:30-4 p.m.) – Traditional Finnish refreshments will be served. Copper Country Community Arts Center.

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