Home / Featured / Houghton City Council Wrap: City Plans to Sell a Half Acre Lot, and Apply for Community Center Grant to Make Improvements to Dee Stadium
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Houghton City Council Wrap: City Plans to Sell a Half Acre Lot, and Apply for Community Center Grant to Make Improvements to Dee Stadium

Houghton will move forward with gaining an appraisal for a half acre lot, after being approached by Raasio Homes Incorporated. The company has grown too large for its current office, and desires to build a pull barn nearby.

“I said well if we were to do anything, I would recommend we maintain a right-of-way to the larger parcels to the north. Just because we own that strip going up Cedar Bluff, and we don’t want to necessarily, quote, land lock, that end of the property. Because what the city owns, goes kind of around in an L shape, and buts up to Jacker Street.” – Eric Waara, City Manager, Houghton

In an initial site drawing, to give councilors an idea of what Raasio homes plans to do, it has included space for a right of way. Houghton will have an appraisal on the location take place prior to selling the lot to Raasio homes, if they remain interested.

Houghton will additionally apply for a community center grant, that will seek to make improvements to Dee Stadium. City Manger Eric Waara proposes that the improvements could include an addition to the building that will install an elevator to the upstairs ballroom. As well as much needed improvements to dehumidifiers, that help control the quality of the ice surface.

“Internally the HVAC for the Ballroom would be modernized, to make the space more comfortable year round, with heating and cooling. And a de-humidification system would be installed for the rink area, which will help with some energy efficiency, and cooling in the winter time for ice. our master plans, and capital improvement plans have listed adding an elevator to the Dee, and renovating the entryway for many years. This particular grant program represents the first really opportunity to make those improvements due to the amount of funds available under this program.” – Eric Waara, City Manager, Houghton

The city will plan to call a special meeting in order to allocate match funds through a resolution. The city would plan to set aside 150000 dollars from its remaining ARPA funds for the city’s match portion. The grant allows projects to apply for up to 2.5 million dollars in funding.

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