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Houghton County Road Commissioner Wins State Award

Lansing, MI — The County Road Association (CRA) of Michigan honored Kenneth Rowe, commissioner of the Houghton County Road Commission (HCRC), with a Distinguished Service Award at CRA’s 2018 Annual Highway Conference in March.

Rowe has been with HCRC since 2001. During his 17 years of service, Rowe has served as chair, vice chair and board member at HCRC. Rowe has played an active role in the construction of HCRC’s new office and maintenance facility and helped negotiate several union contracts.

Rowe was also a board member for the Michigan County Road Commission Self-Insurance Pool (MCRCSIP) for four years, and is a past president of the CRA Great Lakes Council of Upper Peninsula road commissioners.

CRA’s Distinguished Service Awards recognize road agency staff, commissioners and others who have dedicated their time and service in an outstanding manner to the advancement of the county road and bridge system in Michigan.

The 83 members of the County Road Association of Michigan represent the unified voice for a safe and efficient county transportation infrastructure system in Michigan, including appropriate stewardship of the public’s right-of-way in rural and urban Michigan.  Collectively, Michigan’s county road agencies manage 75 percent of all roads in the state, including 90,000 miles of roads and 5,700 bridges.  County road agencies also maintain the state’s highway system in 64 counties.  Michigan has the nation’s fourth-largest local road system.

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