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Houghton Extends Application Deadline for Charter and Study Commission

The city of Houghton seeks residents to serve on the Charter and Study Commission. Houghton will begin work to review the city charter this year. But will need to appoint residents to a commission during the council’s January meeting. The commission will be tasked with reviewing the city charter and recommending any amendments or updates to the city council. The charter and study commission will be comprised of five residents from the city of Houghton. Houghton has extended the deadline to apply to be on the commission to January 17th. All applications must be submitted no later and can be addressed to city clerk Ann Volrath. Anyone with questions about the commission or is interested in learning more about the appointments should contact the city for more information. Contact information can be found below.

Ann Volrath: Phone 906-483-4644 or e-mail ann.vollrath@cityofhoughton.com

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