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Houghton – Portage Township Schools Invites Parents to Give Input on the District’s Strategic Plan

Houghton – Portage Township Schools is seeking parent and community input on the district’s strategic plan. A meeting with the school board and parents has been set for next Monday, at 6 pm in the Houghton High School library. The school’s strategic plan helps the district manage changes to the school, community, and education in order to prepare students for their future. The board hopes many in the community will have the opportunity to attend. Parents and community members unable to attend the meeting can participate in public input through a survey the district has set up, and asks responders to describe their view of the state of Houghton – Portage Township Schools. Find a link to the Houghton – Portage Township Schools Strategic Plan Survey online at here.

You can also access the survey with the below QR Code:

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