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Houghton to Seek Advice from Attorney and Ethicist for Councilor Cole’s Conflict of Interest

Houghton’s city council paid a few bills last night during their regular council meeting. Phase three for water and sewer projects were paid to MDOT and UP Engineers and Architects. The other large bill finishes out the pier project. Construction on the pier had come in a little higher than expected due to AT&T’s difficulty locating their cables. Fortunately the engineering bill came in below estimate, and the savings there, covered the added expenses by the cable location.

City Manager Eric Waara asked the council to move the application for the EGLE Spark grant to next month’s meeting. Some of the background and paperwork for the applications have not been delivered to the city yet. The grant application is due following the council’s December meeting.

The council additionally approved new rules of procedure for council meetings, you can find the new rules online.

Houghton’s city council also discussed potential conflicts of interest for Councilor Jan Cole, regarding her relation to the owner of the downtown Hall Building. The city will consult an attorney and ethicist regarding Council Cole, and other conflicts of interests.

Councilors also discussed access to fiber optic internet connections, and the potential for more EV charging stations. The council recognizes that there is ample opportunity for residents to connect to fiber optic internet services with local providers. And City Manager Waara, will bring potential EV charging station grant opportunities forward to the city as they become available. 

There was no change to the city council’s December meeting schedule. The first meeting of the month will take place December 14th, at 5:30 pm.

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