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LaFave announces run for Secretary of State

Iron Mountain’s Beau LaFave has begun a campaign to be the Republican Party nominee for Secretary of State in next year’s election, the only UP resident so far to enter the race. LaFave, now a State Representative, says he was drawn to vie for the post following the decision by Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson to end walk-in appointments at offices across Michigan.

When my constituents get pulled over in Green Bay, they come up to the window and say, “Why don’t you have a plate, where did you steal the car from?” and they say, “I’m from Michigan,” and they’re like, “Oh okay, I hear it’s a disaster over there.” The fiasco at the Secretary of State’s office is such that we need new leadership.

That decision has since been modified, but the appointment system is still the preferred method for scheduling a visit.

LaFave says the new Upper Peninsula districts being proposed by the bipartisan redistricting committee were not a primary factor in his decision to avoid seeking reelection, but he isn’t a fan of what the 108th will look like for the next decade.

My future old house district will now stretch from Wisconsin to Canada. Why? No idea, but they are making the districts more impossible to traverse and making it harder for the citizens of the Upper Peninsula to address their grievance with their State Representative in a meaningful way in an office hour or a coffee hour.

Both parties select their Secretary of State nominee through delegates at the state convention. Other posts picked that way include Attorney General and Lieutenant Governor.

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