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Michigan Nature Association Plans to Celebrate 50th Anniversary of the Estivant Pines

While the old growth pine trees are well over 50 years old, the Michigan Nature Association will celebrate its anniversary of saving the Estivant Pines Forest.

In 1973, the Michigan Nature Association led a statewide effort to raise funds to purchase 200 acres of the Estivant Pines from Universal Oil. Subsequent land purchases expanded the sanctuary to its size today of 570 acres.The sanctuary is home to one of the last old growth white pine stands in the state of Michigan. Additionally the forest hosts to 85 different species of birds, native wildflowers, and a wide variety of ferns. Recently the sanctuary reopened its two trails, after improvements were made in the area.

On Sunday, the Michigan Nature Association will hold an official ribbon cutting for the improved trails, followed by a Geo-heritage walking tour with Michigan Tech Research Scientist, Erika Vye, and scavenger hunt. The upgraded trails and 50th anniversary celebration will begin at 2 pm August 27th. Estivant Pines is located in Copper Harbor, follow Manganese Road to Burma Road. The sanctuary is about a half mile down, after turning onto Burma Road.

Additional Event Details:

2:00 p.m. – Dedication and Ribbon Cutting

2:30 p.m. – GeoHeritage Walk with Erika Vye, Michigan Tech Geoscience Research Scientist

2-4 p.m. – Self-guided Forest “Leave it There” Scavenger Hunt

Refreshments and a free “Piece of the Pines” wooden branded souvenir will be provided to attendees to take home part of one of the Keweenaw’s most beautiful nature areas. Come to Copper Harbor to be with fellow nature enthusiasts and to enjoy the newly improved Estivant Pines Nature Sanctuary.

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