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Michigan State Police are Seeking to Fill a Large Number of Vacancies Across the State

Back in June this year the 142nd class of Michigan State Troopers from the state’s police academy in Lansing. And now four of those graduating officers will join the state’s northern most police post, MSP – Calumet. All four new troopers come from the near by area; Trooper Ryan Kuntze is from Chassell, Trooper Ryan Staricha comes from Atlantic Mine, Trooper Brandon Rastello joins the post from South Range, and Calumet native Trevor Hendrickson round out the new recruits. Over the next 20 weeks the new troopers will complete field training with veteran officers.

Across the state there are hundreds of vacant positions with law enforcement departments. Michigan State Police are actively recruiting future troopers to join their ranks, The 143rd Trooper Recruit School is expected to begin training in January, another recruit school will begin in July 2023. Find out more about joining the next available training in Lansing by visiting their webpage here.

Michigan State Police Careers

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