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Michigan Tech Opens New Nucor Metrology Center on Campus

Yesterday Michigan Tech university opened the doors on the new Nucor Metrology Center. The center is inside the Mechanical Engineering – Engineer Mechanics building, on the first floor. Yesterday the university held a donor appreciation event in conjunction with the opening of the new center, thanking the Nucor Corporation, Milwaukee Tools, and Nexteer. The Nucor Metrology Center was funded by the Nucor Corporation with a 100,000 dollar donation to the university. Rachel Store will lead the new center, and says students will go hands on in documenting product performance, and collecting different metrics. The lab features traditional and state of the art equipment including micrometers, a flexible arm coordinate-measurement machine (CMM), optical microscope, microhardness testers, tachometers, strobometers, and infrared and thermal scanners. Store also added that the new center will give students the opportunity to work with industry standard equipment before heading to the workforce.

Read more about the Nucor Metrology Center on mtu.edu

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