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Connor Kamm Earns the Mike Rowe Work Ethic Scholarship for Skilled Trades Education at NMU

A Houghton High School graduate and future Northern Michigan University wildcat earns the Mike Rowe Work Ethic Scholarship. Connor Kamm, a 2024 Houghton High School graduate, who plans to study welding technology and HVACR at North Michigan University in the Fall, was recently named a recipient of the Mike Rowe Work Ethic Scholarship by the Mike Rowe Works Foundation. Many may know Mike Rowe from his television series that aired on Discovery Channel, Dirty Jobs, for its focus on blue-collar workers and their daily lives on the job. Kamm, no stranger to work, has had a strong passion for skilled trades for as long as he can remember, eventually leading him to take welding courses at Houghton High School and the Copper Country ISD. As a part of the Scholarship Kamm reaffirmed his commitment to the SWEAT Pledge, consisting of 12 statements that outline the importance of work ethic personal responsibility, delayed gratification, and a positive attitude. Kamm was one of 200 recipients in 2024, receiving a portion of the 1,000,000 dollar scholarship fund. Those interested in learning more about the Mike Rowe Work Ethi Program Scholarship, 12 Statements to the SWEAT Pledge, or about Connor Kamm can find more details here.

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