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Dr. Hashima Hasan Speaking On Her Personal NASA Experience

Dr. Hashima Hasan from NASA is coming to talk at Michigan Tech.

She is currently serving as program scientist for several crucial missions, including the Nuclear Spectroscopic Array (NuSTAR), Keck Observatory, and Astrophysics Data Curation and Archival Research (ADCAR) program. She also is serving as the Deputy program scientist for the James Webb space telescope, and also holds several leadership positions.

Her talk tomorrow will include her personal journey from growing up in India, to becoming a scientist at NASA headquarters, and how she faced challenges being a woman of color in the STEM field and a mother at the same time.

She will also discuss the history of spherical aberration, and the new, spectacular science developing at the Webb observatory. Refreshments are available starting at 4:45 in Dillman 204, and the presentation begins at 5p.m. 

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