Home / Featured / Gardenview in Calumet will Start Their First Dementia Caregiver Support Group Next Wednesday
Frank A. Douglass Insurance Agency

Gardenview in Calumet will Start Their First Dementia Caregiver Support Group Next Wednesday

Supporting a loved one with dementia or Alzheimer’s can become draining after a while. This makes developing a support group for caregivers important to sustaining care for dementia patients. In one week Gardenview will hold the first dementia support group session for residents in the community taking care of a parent or loved one suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s. Caregiving for loved ones suffering from dementia can be difficult on family units as health-related concerns can build up stressors. For some people meeting with other people in the community who also experience similar health concerns for parents can help lessen stress, and help people work through the feelings of losing a parent while still in their life. The Talk Laugh Listen and Learn support group for families and caregivers of dementia patients will be hosted by Gardenview in Calumet. The support group will begin to meet starting next Wednesday at 6:30 pm. The garden view center in Calumet is located at 26096 E Elm Street.

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