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Latest Polls on Governor’s Race

A new statewide poll of Michigan voters shows growing negativity toward Governor Rick Snyder, and expected Democratic challenger Mark Schauer continues to struggle with name ID. The poll from a Lansing public relations firm also shows a narrowing gap between the two, with Snyder still in front. 42% of 600 likely voters polled statewide earlier this month said they’d choose Snyder over the former Democratic congressman if the election were held today, while 39 percent picked Schauer and 19 percent were undecided. In a November 2013 poll, the results were 45 percent Snyder, 31 percent Schauer, with a quarter undecided. Schauer still struggles with name I-D however, although he’s making a bit of headway following a series of TV ads. 68% of voters said they didn’t know enough about him to say if they had a favorable or unfavorable opinion of him, down from 80% in November. 43% of those polled had a favorable opinion of the governor, while 42 percent had an unfavorable one and 16 percent were undecided.

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