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Local Drug Detective Called For During Houghton County Board Of Commissioners Meeting

The board passed the 2015-16 General Appropriations Act by a 4 to 1 vote following some tense discussion concerning wages paid to court administrators.

The act brings all three courts up to the same pay level, a move questioned by Commissioner Scott Ala who instead recommended a wage study be performed.

In other business, residents from the Otter Lake Dam area voiced their concern over additional money being spent on repairing the dam.

A grant from the Department of Natural Resources for $80,000 along with matching funds from the county of $8,000 will be used to repair fencing and the dam walkway.

Many residents want the dam replaced with a natural rock dam and don’t want to see any more of their tax money going into the current structure.

Commissioner Tony Pintar recommended that the residents pay to have an engineering study done to determine the cost of such a project.

In the meantime, the repair work will proceed as planned.

The Keweenaw Economic Development Alliance would like Houghton County to become a key stakeholder in their operations.

KEDA Executive Director Jeff Ratcliffe proposed that the board support the business development organization with a three year/$30,000 commitment.

The proposal was met with less than enthusiastic support.

The board agreed to put the item on next month’s agenda in hopes of reaching a compromise.

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