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Aspirus Offers Snow Shoveling Tips

Health officials are urging caution when it comes to shoveling the generous amounts of snow that fall over Christmas weekend.

Aspirus Director of Regional Therapy Services Jeff Baril notes that shoveling can be hazardous for your back, shoulder and arm muscles, and for your heart. Injuries are also caused when people fall while shoveling.

Baril’s suggestions include…
• Dress appropriately. Wear light, water-repellent clothing; a hat; gloves; and warm socks. Put on shoes or boots with good traction to avoid falling.
• Never use a shovel that is too heavy or too long.
• Clear snow early and often. It’s easier to remove a light covering of snow from the ground than it is to clear packed, heavy snow.
• Take plenty of breaks and drink lots of water.
• If you feel any pain, stop shoveling right away. If you have chest pain, seek medical attention immediately.
• Push snow instead of lifting it.
• Avoid throwing snow over your shoulder or to the side because it can stress your back.

If you have any questions about your snow-shoveling fitness, you should talk to your doctor—especially if you’re older than 40, don’t exercise regularly or have a history of heart problems.

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