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Free Self Defense Training Offered To Reduce Bullying

After viewing a recent viral YouTube video, a self defense instructor in the Keweenaw is taking a stand against bullying and offering victims free self defense training.


It was posted just a few days ago and it’s already had nearly 3 million hits. It’s a young boy who’s had enough of being bullied at school and it has prompted a local martial arts academy to fight back on his behalf.

“One of the big reasons we started this academy was to allow people to learn self defense in the community,” said Stan Myaskovskiy, who teaches individuals how to defend themselves against a bully, regardless of his or her size, by utilizing de-escalation techniques and a nonviolent approach to an altercation.

Myaskovskiy said, “When were talking about a striking-based martial art, being the smaller person, you’re at a disadvantage automatically, where this relies on using a lot more leverage and control verses striking which can lead to getting way more hurt.”

Myaskovskiy says that kids that are the victim of bullying often times have a low self confidence and by building that self confidence they learn to use a different body language that prevents the reoccurrence of a bullying situation.

“Anytime that we can help kids that have been bullied or dealing with bullying and help them learn confidence and learn the tools that they need not to get bullied, we want to give them the opportunity to train for free and hopefully allow them to find a happy place here to train,” said Myaskovskiy.

If you’re the parent of a bullied child and would like more information, it can be obtained by contacting the Keweenaw Jui Jitsu Academy in Houghton.


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