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Hancock Honors Hometown Heroes

Several hometown heroes were recognized at Wednesday’s Hancock City Council meeting.

Hancock Police HonoredCorporal Robert Stites and officers Darick Coponen and David Outinen of the Hancock Police Department were presented the Life Saving Award by the city.

On May 21st, they provided medical treatment on a Hancock man in cardiac arrest on Emma Street, saving his life.

The awards were signed by Mayor Lisa McKenzie, City Manager Glenn Anderson and Hancock Police Chief Wayne Butler.

Butler also acknowledged the city of Houghton Police Department and the Houghton County Sheriff’s Office, as well as a neighbor who was also a nurse who helped with the situation..

Butler added that nine times out of ten, police officers are the first on scene and fortunately they keep up with their skills and first aid training and the city council makes it possible for them to have the equipment necessary to provide these services to the community.

Masters, DavidForty years is a long time in any career, but forty years serving as a volunteer firefighter is truly remarkable.

The Hancock City Council recognized David Masters for his service to the Hancock Volunteer Fire Department from 1976 to 2016.

He was also Assistant Captain of Equipment and has been honored as both Copper Country and U.P. Firefighter of the Year.

Masters was presented with a Resolution honoring that service as a token of the City’s appreciation.

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