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Houghton City Council Celebrates First Octantis Visit – Council Meeting Wrap

The Houghton city council celebrated the first actual visit to the area by the Viking Cruise ship Octantis last evening.

At the council’s regular meeting, City Manager Eric Waara said the day went smoothly…

All indications are people had a great day here. Everything worked out well. People got to go on all kinds of experiences – waterfall tours, the Quincy Mine tour. I didn’t see any problems.

Waara said yesterday’s experience will be reviewed, with an eye toward refining the process in time for the Octantis’ next visit in two weeks.

No one spoke at the public hearing on a proposed change in the municipal parking ordinance. 

The modification was adopted unanimously. Henceforth, changes to the violation fine schedule can be made by simple council vote, instead of going through the full ordinance revision process.

In his report, Waara told councilors that the leaky roof over the Zamboni garage at Dee Stadium has been repaired. Paving a section of the waterfront trail that was delayed last week should take place today and tomorrow. Construction of the new pier is about to take a big step forward…

They’re going to start installing steel for this – they’re calling it the AT&T wing of the pier – next week, probably start pouring concrete the following week, and then things are going to progress quickly.

Waara also reported that he recently met with U.P. Engineers and Architects to push forward the timetable for removal of the big parking deck. They’re hoping to advertise for bids late this winter, with demolition to take place in the spring.

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