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Huskies Going After Snowman Building Record

Winter feats of derring-do are nothing new for Michigan Tech Huskies.

They’ve already broken four Guinness World Records, one of which still stands (largest snowball).

A new world record is at stake Saturday, February 10, when students attempt to build more than 2,036 three-foot snowmen (with eyes, noses, and arms) in one hour, besting the record set by a group of 1,024 in Japan in 2015.

Michigan Tech Undergraduate Student Government, official host, is asking campus and community to help.

Huskies have already done the math: there’s plenty of snow to meet and exceed the record. Per half-meter of snowfall on Sherman Field, there are enough flakes to build approximately 65,000 snowmen to spec.

Snowman Left Behind sign-up is at noon, Saturday, February 10. Building begins at 1 p.m. at Michigan Tech’s Sherman Field off Sharon Avenue in Houghton. 

Parking is in the Student Development Complex lot on Sharon Avenue adjacent to the field. Blizzard T. Husky will be there to welcome the crowd. 

Read Huskies Go for Guinness Record on Michigan Tech News, and feel free to join us at noon Saturday, February 10, on Sherman Field. For event updates follow the USG Facebook page and event page.

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