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Local Corrections Officer Graduates Training Academy

Houghton County Sheriff’s Office Corrections officer Rudy M. Tikkanen recently completed a local corrections officer training academy held at Alpena Community College June 16, 2017.

The four-week academy offers a comprehensive, interactive instruction program in various disciplines for local correction officers. Training topics include custody and security, defensive tactics, first aid (including CPR and AED procedures), suicide awareness, fire safety and interpersonal communications. The academy, certified by the Michigan Sheriffs’ Coordinating and Training Council, is an essential element of providing the necessary skills for maintaining a safe, secure environment for correction officers, inmates and county residents.

“Congratulations to Rudy who like all our Corrections Officers are dedicated to learning important skills to safely and effectively manage our inmate population”, said Houghton County Sheriff Brian McLean. “The training helps our corrections officers develop and practice the tools necessary to be successful in a high stress environment”.

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