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Michigan Notable Book Author Coming To Library

In celebration of National Library week, the Portage Lake District Library will be hosting many events through the end of the week including an evening of readings, music and story telling tomorrow.

“This Friday, we will have Daniel Wolff, who is a Michigan Notable Book Author. He will be at the library to speak about his latest book,” said Portage Lake District Library Director Dillon Geshel.

The book is called “Grown up Anger: The Connected Mysteries of Bob Dylan and Woody Guthrie and the Calumet Massacre of 1913,” and it pieces together biographies of both men along with a labor strike in the Keweenaw to create an alternative history of 20th century America.

“Sort of some non-conventional tie-ins there, but I think the local element is something that people will really enjoy,” said Geshel.

The book’s author, Daniel Wolff will be joined by singer/songwriter Chris Buhalis Friday evening as they present a one hour talk and musical exploration of the award winning publication.

Afterwards Wolff and Buhalis will be answering questions and signing autographs. The presentation begins at 6:30 and is free to the public.

Other events in celebration of Library week include adult computing lessons to be held on Saturday where students from Michigan Tech help those who are new to computing to bridge the technology gap.

More information can be found at www.pldl.org.

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