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Mission Point Nursing Home Problems Extend to Ishpeming Facility

Problems with the Mission Point nursing homes aren’t limited to the Hancock location.

A review of Medicare inspections for the Mission Point facility in Ishpeming also reveals multiple fines and violations.

The Ishpeming site has been penalized $293,481 over the past two years. Federal payments have been suspended twice.

The biggest fine of $209,300 was issued in September of 2020, after an inspection discovered numerous residents whose pressure wounds were not being properly treated. That and other problems led to the first payment suspension.

The second suspension came in August of 2021, after investigators learned that the facility sometimes reduced staffing to one person for overnight and weekend shifts. One resident noted that the overworked CNAs sometimes broke down in tears.

Chronically low staffing levels have led to poor hygiene for residents, and failure to administer medication in a timely fashion. The facility has also suffered from heating and cooling problems, improper nutrition and bad food, unsanitary kitchen facilities, transportation failures resulting in missed medical appointments, and lack of recreational opportunities.

The most recent fine, $31,320, came in January after a COVID-19 breakout, which inspectors said was aggravated by the facility’s poor adherence to COVID-19 protocol.

The Ishpeming Mission Point facility has 96 certified beds, but has been running at about 50 percent occupancy. The ProPublica monitoring agency classifies it as a Special Focus Facility Candidate, with a history of serious quality issues, but not been formally flagged by the government.

Like its counterpart in Hancock, Medicare rates the Ishpeming Mission Point facility at a “one” on its one-to-five quality scale.

You can review their recent inspection reports here.

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