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Portage Health Foundation Accepting Applications For Small Grants

[Hancock, MI] The Portage Health Foundation’s mission is to support the charitable health needs of the community through enhanced philanthropy and community collaboration.

The Portage Health Foundation’s five pillars of emphasis guides meaningful investment in projects, programs, and services
that meet the needs of the community and align with our mission of improving the health of residents in Baraga, Houghton, Keweenaw and Ontonagon counties.

In recognition of the importance of small grants, PHF is releasing a targeted call for proposal focusing on small grants. The intention of these grants is to support projects that will have an impact on community health and wellness while addressing the systemic health needs and risk factors of the broader community. Further, it is hoped and desired that proposals seeking funding will have identified key components to support sustainability and/or systems change to ensure ongoing delivery of services to meet community need.

This call for proposals is designed to offer smaller levels of funding support to meet the needs of our community that focus on health related events and or activities that promote a healthy active lifestyle.

March 23, 2018 3:30pm ET Applications Due
April 14, 2018 Grants to be awarded

Although not required, Portage Health Foundation strongly encourages all interested applicants to submit a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) prior to submitting a grant application. An LOI helps promote a clear understanding, collaboration, and project outcomes between PHF and grant applicants.

To learn more about eligibility, criteria, and parameters of this RFP, please visit PHF’s website at phfgive.org.

You make the difference. Together we make it possible.

The Portage Health Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that receives and contributes charitable donations which support the health needs of the community through enhanced philanthropy and community collaboration throughout Baraga, Houghton, Keweenaw and Ontonagon counties.

The Portage Health Foundation’s mission is to support the charitable health needs of the community
through enhanced philanthropy and community collaboration. The Portage Health Foundation’s five pillars
of emphasis guides meaningful investment in projects, programs, and services that meet the needs of the
community and align with our mission of improving the health of residents in Baraga, Houghton,
Keweenaw and Ontonagon counties.
The intention of these grants is to support projects that will have an impact on community health and
wellness while addressing the systemic health needs and risk factors of the broader community. Further,
it is hoped and desired that proposals seeking funding will have identified key components to support
sustainability and/or systems change to ensure ongoing delivery of services to meet community need.
It is recognized that grants large and small can play a significant role in our community’s ability to meet
the needs of the community. Often times the need for funding support is minimal and may not
necessitate the complexity of application of larger grant requests. This call for proposals is designed to
offer smaller levels of funding support to meet the needs of our community that focus on health related
events and or activities that promote a healthy active lifestyle.
All small grant requests must align with the Portage Health Foundation’s mission.
February 12, 2018 RFP Publically Announced
March 23, 2018 3:30pm ET Applications Due
April 14, 2018 Grants to be awarded
All application information and LOI’s forms can be found at www.phfgive.org/grants
To be eligible to apply for a grant under this program, the applicant must:
• Be recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501c(3) non-profit organization; or a local unit of
• Be domiciled in Baraga, Houghton, Keweenaw and/or Ontonagon counties of Michigan;
• Have a current certified financial audit and;
2018 Small Grants Program
• Have at least 1 FTE.
• mobilize strategies that will enhance, expand or create new recreational resources that encourage
healthy physical activities and/or education;
• must demonstrate how the grant activities will be sustained outside the grant period; and/or
• identify why the request for funding is needed and how it will enhance access to services, programs,
or activities that otherwise would not be possible.
The Portage Health Foundation will evaluate each application on the following criteria:
• Does the proposal have goals/objectives that advance PHF’s mission?
• Does the proposal identify an unmet community need/health risk?
• Does the proposal have measureable goals and objectives?
• Does the proposal have a budget that identifies and covers all necessary expenditures?
• Does the proposal identify a plan for sustainability?
• Is there potential to achieve significant long-term impact by implementing effective models or
supporting needed innovation;
• Does the proposal demonstrate collaboration, including leveraging of other resources; and
• Does the proposal have the potential to be replicated in other settings, including opportunities for
learning, knowledge dissemination, and to inform public-policy.
The Portage Health Foundation Grants Committee and the Board of Directors has sole responsibility for
all grant decisions.
• Loans;
• Litigation;
• Lobbying activities;
• Organizations that discriminate based on age, race, ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation,
disability, or gender;
• Proposals where granted funds will be used to maintain existing program(s) or solely fill a budgetgap
for current services; and;
• Individuals or families and for-profit entities
The Portage Health Foundation expects to award up to $24,000.00 towards successful proposals under
this round of funding. There is no minimum grant amount and the maximum amount awarded under this
RFP will be $1,500.00.
2018 Small Grants Program
Although not required, Portage Health Foundation strongly encourages all interested applicants to submit
a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) prior to submitting a grant application. An LOI helps promote a clear
understanding, collaboration, and project outcomes between PHF and grant applicants. Please approach
the LOI as an abbreviated grant proposal that PHF can review to determine if a project matches our
funding interests and is suitable for formal grant consideration/application. If an applicant has questions,
they are encouraged to contact the PHF offices prior to formal submission of the application or refer the
PHF’s FAQ section on PHF’s web page.
Applications can be mailed to:
Portage Health Foundation
400 Quincy St. – PO Box 299
Hancock, MI 49930
Or submitted via email to:
If awarded, applicants must agree to:
• Identify the Portage Health Foundation (and partners if required) as the source of funding in any
program communications;
• Set specific outcomes for the proposed program, monitor progress toward achieving expected
outcomes, and report progress on a regular basis to the Portage Health Foundation;
• Participate in any data collection and evaluation activities conducted by the Portage Health
Foundation and/or its partners; and
• Participate in grantee gatherings and other activities that support dissemination of knowledge.
Funding for this RFP has been made possible by the Portage Health Foundation. To learn more about
this funder, please visit www.phfgive.org

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