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Snowmobile Fatalities Prompt Safety Reminders

Michigan suffered its second snowmobile fatality of the season yesterday, and state officials are encouraging safety on the trails.

55-year-old Greg Longbrake of Elkhart, Indiana, was killed when his sled struck a tree in Wexford County. Investigators say excessive speed appears to have been a factor in the crash. 

On December 19th, a 50-year-old woman was killed in Alger County when her snowmobile missed a curve, and crashed into a wooded area.

Snowmobile and off-road vehicle specialist in the DNR Law Enforcement Division Cpl. Mike Hearn says the most important safety factors are riding sober, at appropriate speeds, and within the capabilities of yourself and your machine.

Additional “Ride Right” snowmobile safety tips include:

 • Riding on the right side of the trail or road.

 • Riding with your machine’s lights on.

 • Watching for and yielding to trail groomers.

 • Ensuring your machine is in good working condition before you ride.

 • Leaving a ride plan, including details about where you’re going and when you’ll return, with someone who is staying home.

 • Riding at a safe distance behind the person in front of you; snowmobiles may have a delayed stop time due to sliding on ice or snow. This is particularly important for riders operating in low visibility caused by snow.

Trails permits are required for snowmobiles operating on the trail system and may be purchased online. 

Additionally, snowmobile exhaust sound emissions should be 88 decibels or under.

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