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Summer Improvement Projects Underway In Houghton

The City of Houghton is getting spruced up for summer.

City Manager Eric Waara had several updates on local improvement projects in his report, read by City Clerk Ann Vollrath to the city council at Wednesday’s regular meeting.

  • The Great Lakes Conservation Corp is planting more than 50 trees this week in Houghton as part of a grant they received. Trees will be planted along Agate Street, East Houghton Park, Veteran’s Park, and the east side of the Ray Kestner Waterfront Park.
  • Several new wayfinding signs have been installed on the Waterfront Trail. The eight signs serve as waypoints along the trail to tell people where they are and how far they are from various locations.  Steph Cook was thanked by the city for the signs.
  • The grand opening for the Houghton Skate Park will take place in July. Public works finished the city’s portion of the project. G&J Site Solutions will do the rest of the landscaping as part of their donation to the park.

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