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The Bear Rolls Over – Heikinpäivä Returns

Heikinpäivä made a joyful return to Hancock Saturday, after a two-year absence caused by COVID-19 concerns.

Despite temperatures in the high single digits, crowds lined Quincy Street for the annual parade. The toris reported brisk business, and people enjoyed the circle dance, the wife-carrying contest, and the kids kicksled races.

The annual buffet and dance was well-attended Saturday night.

Finnish American Heritage Center Director David Maki said it was great to have the festival back…

Oh, absolutely. It was wonderful to see so many people coming out, many folks who have been here at festivals past, but also some first-timers. It was really nice to see.

One Heikinpäivä-related activity continues. The Animal Life: Art from the Kalevala display will be open through February at the Kerredge Gallery at the Copper Community Arts Center in downtown Hancock.

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